Taz quits TNA (Impact Wrestling)....

News coming out of today is that Taz has quit the company!
Apparently, the rumor is that it has to do with a pay dispute that is going on within the company. Taz wasn't happy with the way things were being handled and didn't come to a planned voice over session this past Thursday.
 He has removed any mention of TNA from his Twitter account. Although he has sent out several tweets regarding his departure from the company.
In regards to who will replace Taz, there is speculation that it could be none other then Al Snow (Seriously!) who was recently given a tryout as an announcer. I guess we shall have to wait and see what happens from here I suppose.
I think that that is a mediocre loss for TNA and it's not really looking good for the company since I believe that they have already lost Samoa Joe this year :( Just a waiting game I think to see how this all goes from here.....

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