What Stone Cold Says….

Howdy there everyone,

Reading through some wrestling gossip today, I came across this little gem.
Stone Cold Steve Austin has said on his Twitter account that he thinks Fandango will be the Intercontinental Champion within 6-8 months.

“BOLD PREDICTION-FANDANGO WILL BE IC CHAMP WITHIN 6-8 MONTHS. #WWE You heard it here first. #steveaustinshow”

Honestly, like most people, I can actually see that happening sooner rather then later. I mean, with all this FANDANGOING going on lately it wouldn’t surprise me if he became the new champion within the next 6-8 weeks. But, I do trust Stone Cold so I guess we shall have to see what's happening.

Oh, and for all of you who are wondering what “Fandangoing” is, check out the link here.

Have fun and take care everyone.
Lil xoxo

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